The Quiet Man [1952]

This classic of US cinema is beloved across the generations, but how quiet was he with his flying fists and raunchy tongue?

Samhain Special – The Devil’s Doorway [2018]

A found footage horror set in the dingiest mother and babies home in Ireland, with exorcisms and sacrifices. And James’ gossip column.

Intermission [2003]

William calls this star studded romp through Dublin’s grimy underbelly his favourite film and there’s no shortage of Chef’s sauce. Requisite Celtic soul recommended.

Grabbers [2012]

Marty chose this boozy comedy of Aliens invading an island off Ireland’s shore. Batten down the hatches – time for a lock in!

Michael Collins [1996]

This biography of the Big Fella who didn’t get out of the car during the moon landing (a bit of Belfast proficiency is what that boy needs) is most definitely In the Ra.

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